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Oralcare-Preparation for Tooth Cleaning
Preparation for Tooth Cleaning
For the effective plaque control, it is necessary to prepare toothbrushes, dental floss and interdental brushes being suitable for you. Although dental floss and interdental brushes are still miner in Japan, flossing enable us to remove the interdental plaque that can`t be removed by brushing. 90% more plaque can be removed by the combination of brushing and flossing, that is very effective for the prevention of dental caries and periodontitis.

Toothbrushes that is suitable for you should be prepared. The toothbrush with the smaller head (the toothbrush tip in which bristles are transplanted) is said to be useful for plaque control. Specifically speaking, you should choose the toothbrush with the head smaller than the size of the first joint of your index finger. The bristles made by animal hair consisting of protein are easy to breed bacteria and are too soft to remove dental plaque. So you should choose the toothbrush with nylon bristles.

Although the harder bristles have the higher performance of removing the plaque on vertical surfaces, with excessive force, you may damage the gum. The brushing with small strength is ideal. However, if you tend to do high-power brushing, you should choose the toothbrush with "soft" or "medium" bristles. Otherwise, "medium" or "hard" may be recommended. If your gum is weaken, you should choose "soft" or "medium".

The bristles of toothbrushes are commonly made of nylon. Because nylon has water absorbency, it is necessary for preventing the growth of bacteria to dry the toothbrush well after using it. Although it is said that "Change your toothbrush if its bristles become shaggy ", the bristles will be shaggy by excessive force and will keep the form with suitable-power brushing. However, every time you use the brush, the tips of the bristles are worn and deteriorate. By the worn bristles, it is impossible to remove plaque adequately. Therefore, if you do brushing 3 times a day, you should change your toothbrush once a month.

It is important to use dental floss and interdental brush to suit the occasion. In the case of no or little interdental space, dental floss is suitatble. Conversely, in the case of the large space, interdental brush is suitable. Although interdental brushes are available in various sizes, for the first time, starting with the smallest brush is recommended. If the interdental brush can be inserted into the interdental space without resistance or pain, it is suitable.

If dental floss and interdental brushes are used in correct manners, they can effectively remove plaque and can be a help of prevention of dental caries or periodontitis. However, with the misuse of them, your gum can be injured. So, you should master the correct usage. Basically, dental floss and interdental brushes should be disposable. Because the nylon thread through the narrow gaps of teeth, the hard material, the soft nylon fiber will wear after using.

Finally, the choices of toothbrushes, dental floss and interdental brushes presented here are only for the daily plaque control. Although the plaque control can be effective for the prevention, it cannot "cure" the dental caries or periodontitis that has progressed. If you have already taken the diseases, you must go to dental clinic as soon as possible.